Retake Presentation for the 2nd Term
This retake will be composed of two parts. (1) Creating a PowerPoint or a Prezi (2) An oral presentation of your work
Create a PowerPoint or Prezi
1) The presentation will adress three key points. (1) Define Al-Andalus (2) Include information regarding the chronology/time/place of Al-Andalus (3) the Legacy of Al-Andalus
2) At least three sources must be cited (Google is not a source!)
3) The presentation must be visually appealing and include maps, pictures, and outlines
2) At least three sources must be cited (Google is not a source!)
3) The presentation must be visually appealing and include maps, pictures, and outlines
Oral Presentation
1) The oral presentation must last from 5-7 minutes
2) Notes should only be used as a reference (do not read) and should be as engaging as possible
3) The oral presentation will be evaluated according to the presentation rubric
2) Notes should only be used as a reference (do not read) and should be as engaging as possible
3) The oral presentation will be evaluated according to the presentation rubric